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Everything You Need to Know About Becoming a Mediator in One Place
Find out more about why becoming a mediator through ADRMediator is a great career move. We have extensive experience helping clients reach a successful resolution and can teach you how to help others. Sign up for our online mediation training courses today. Click here to watch an introduction to mediation video.
Why Become a Mediator?
Mediation is a career that is not affected by a downturn in the economy—it is recession-proof in a forever-growing industry. Litigation continues to grow by leaps and bounds, and there will always be lawsuits. One of the biggest misconceptions is that you have to be an attorney to be a mediator. This is simply not true! There are no educational requirements other than the certification training we provide, so mediation may be performed by:
- Real Estate Agents
- Teachers
- CPAs
- Lawyers
- Paralegals
- Attorneys
- Family Counselors/Ministers
- Clergy
Earn an Excellent Income
Mediators in the United States earn in excess of $250,000 per year, only working a few days a week. Mediation fees range from as little as $1,500 per day to as much as several thousand dollars per day. The fee is based on the number of parties and the length of the mediation. Some of our graduates are earning incomes in the high six figures.
Building Your Practice
Please note that our program does not guarantee your income because it requires hard work and a considerable amount of marketing to build your practice. However, we provide you with a marketing techniques manual and forms that will help you. Alternative dispute practices are similar to building a law practice; you'll be required to develop contacts, interact with clients, and work with the courts, law firms, insurance companies, Postal Service, EEOC,
homeowner associations, and real estate agencies, to name a few.